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Featured Game

Something Cuddly Is Here!

Cuddly Cockroaches is a 2-5 player card game created by The Naked King during COVID Quarantine, stuck in a roach-infested apartment in Brooklyn, NY for 5 months straight. 


Unlike us, YOU can survive the infestation by building a roach army and infesting your neighbor’s apartment, and by playing supply cards that mess with your neighbors and send roaches to the basement. Every turn more roaches are added to the game, and some roaches have extra abilities that make them more desirable roommates. Be careful though, if you get more than ten roach points you lose the game and your apartment gets fumigated!  


about us

Naked King Studios is an independent soon-to-be husband/wife/cat game studio in the heart of Brooklyn.


We build clever fun board games that are accessible to everyone.


Thanks for playing!

About Us



Cuddly Cockroaches

A 2 to 5 player card game where you build a roach army and invade your opponent's apartments.



the card game

 A 2 to 6 player card game where you destroy your opponents and crown yourself as the next ruler.

Meet The Team

Meet The Team
Olivier Miller

- The Naked King -


Olivier Miller is a French American game designer living in Brooklyn NY, and the founder of Naked King Studios. His first board game was a strategic card game themed around the Iberian Reconquista and started as a family game to entertain his three younger cousins. Today, Olivier combines his experience in marketing and design with his passion for gaming, history, and comedy to create fun, thoughtful games with stylized artwork that will keep you thinking, laughing, and playing all night!

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Julie Feltman

- The Clothed Queen -


Julie Feltman is a comedian, artist, and event producer living in Brooklyn. She spent the last decade as the Pop-Up Market Director for Urbanspace, running New York City's iconic holiday markets in Union Square, Columbus Circle, and Bryant Park. She got to know thousands of artists and entrepreneurs and learned a lot about what makes small businesses successful while bringing Christmas cheer to millions of New Yorkers. She also performs musical comedy to tens of people in basements across NYC. Julie helps the Naked King run stuff in the background. 

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